There are many countries of the world where even today wild and dangerous animals come easily in the rural areas. Australia is one of the countries. In many areas of Australia (Austraila News), people sometimes face the dragon, sometimes the bear, sometimes the crocodile. However, you may not have heard of anyone driving away the crocodile from the frying pan till date.

Australians usually have to deal with animals from the big ones and the smallest. There is 80 per cent greenery in this country, which is home to animals living in both crawling and water-land places . Animals like kangaroos and python-crocodiles reaching the garden of the people in Australia is a minor matter. In such a situation, they have to adopt different types of technology to deal with them. At this time, one such ninja technic fighting the crocodile of an elderly man has come into the headlines.

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Australian Lodge Owner Smacks Charging Crocodile with Frying Pan

The pan hit the crocodile’s head on the giving: A pub owner in the Northern Territory did not exactly expect him to encounter a crocodile . When an elderly man named Kai Hansen has seen the crocodile coming towards him, they take the frying pan and walk towards him and start hitting him on the head. The crocodile’s mouth was open and he seems to be growing with the intention of attacking them, but after being hurt by the pan, he ran on the opposite foot. Some reports say that Hansen hit him sharply on the head, after which he did not return.